LOL, I know what you mean, when I first got to Japan and saw those masks I thought all those people had tuberculosis or another terrible contagious decease. :-)
7 May 2011 9:40am
@Hans ter Horst: Nope....just hay fever.
Dan from Canada
They do kinda spoil the rest of her look, don't they...
7 May 2011 3:32pm
@Dan: The story of my photographic life each and every spring. I don't know why they bother to get all gussied up then ruin it by slapping a mask on. I guess the people here have just trained themselves not to even be aware of them. Same way you can show them a group photo with 20 people in it and NOBODY will notice the 37 peace signs being given until and unless you point it out to them.
I was on a shinkansen the other day, and before arrival a lady checked herself in the mirror, and adjusted her hair a bit. I wondered what she was looking at, because I couldn't see much of her... she had a hat with a deep brim, and a full-face mask, so only her eyes stuck out a bit, like with a burqa, so it was a bit comical that she thought she had much appearance to adjust.
But I understand the masks... if the person has a cold, I appreciate them not giving it to me, and if they have allergies, well, I don't, so I really can't appreciate how bad it might be.